What is Microsoft Power BI?

by | Jan 5, 2023 | Technology

When it comes to “entry-level” business intelligence platforms, you have two primary choices: Microsoft Power BI and Tableau.

Microsoft Power BI is a business intelligence platform that allows moderate to advanced users to analyze data and build visualization models. The raw data is collected from a variety of sources, including Excel, SQL Server, Salesforce, Google Analytics, etc.. Power BI provides a variety of tools and functions that make it easy for the average business analyst to create interactive dashboards, reports, and visualizations.

Power BI integrates with dozens of third-party services and connects to a range of data inputs. This allows for data analysts to access & analyze data from multiple systems and platforms in real-time. Microsoft Power BI also offers a range of integrations within it’s own ecosystem, such as Excel and Azure.

Microsoft Power BI is one of the most powerful and user-friendly business intelligence platforms that allows businesses to quickly analyze and visualize data, without the need for more advanced data processing and analytics. To download Microsoft Power BI and to experiment yourself, click here (not a sponsored link).

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