John David Crowley

Information is the Most Valuable Commodity

Web Development & SEO

There’s no such thing as a tech company anymore, you’re either leveraging technology or you’ve reached the End of Life for your business or brand. It all begins with something as simple as a website, your little slice of internet real estate. Search Engine Optimization is all the on-page and off-page work required to get you noticed.

Cybersecurity & InfoSec

The way computers and devices communicate is important. Whether it’s websites, applications or IoT devices, there’s a lot of room for data to escape or be tampered with. Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking is where I spend the majority of my “free” time. I train here daily and it helps give my clients extra peace of mind.

“Over Promise…Then Over Deliver”

– J.Crowley

Agency Inquiries

Crowley Media Group LLC

For large scale and more intensive projects, please click here. One of our Consultants will get in touch with you.

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The Rabbit Hole

What is a Pivot Table?

What is a Pivot Table?

Pivot tables are one of the simplest and most powerful tools for analyzing larger datasets in a spreadsheet. They allow you to quickly transform rows and columns into organized charts that can be altered in real-time. This allows an analyst to quickly see patterns and...

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Understanding Project Scope

Understanding Project Scope

Project management is more than just a term taught in B-school; it's an important role assigned to a key decision maker or manager. But how does a project manager (PM) what to exclude and include in their KPIs? That's where the term "project scope" is introduced as it...

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Sales vs Marketing: Is there a Difference?

Sales vs Marketing: Is there a Difference?

Sales and marketing are often used interchangeably, but they are both two separate components of a proper business model. Both play a role in acquiring customers and building relationships, but they each have their own horizons and objectives. Defining Sales Sales...

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Quantum Computing Explained

Quantum Computing Explained

Quantum computing is the next evolutionary ring in a cutting-edge field that will universally revolutionize the way we interpret and analyze data. Unlike traditional computers, which use 1's and 0's to represent and process information, quantum computers use quantum...

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What is Salesforce CRM Software?

What is Salesforce CRM Software?

Salesforce CRM (customer relationship manager) is a cloud-based application that helps businesses manage, foster and grow relationships with their customers. With its simple interface, comprehensive features, and integrations with other third-party business tools,...

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Big Data vs Small Data Explained

Big Data vs Small Data Explained

Big Data / Small Data are two terms that are commonly used interchangeably in the data analysis and data management field. Even thought they sound similar, these two terms are actually very different types of data. There are a handful of key differences between big...

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Interested in Digital Marketing, Finance, or Cybersecurity?

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John Crowley


Digital Marketing /
Cybersecurity Consultant

Sacramento, CA

Howdy, I am an IT Consultant who specializes in SEO and Digital Marketing in the Sacramento, CA area. I am also very active in the Cybersecurity, InfoSec and Ethical Hacking Communities. Questions, comments or any projects that you would like to collaborate on? Feel free to reach out anytime.