The Rabbit Hole

Supply Chain Management 101

Supply Chain Management 101

Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the process of managing the entire flow of goods & services from raw materials to the end customer. SCM involves coordinating the activities of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers, in real-time, to ensure that...

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What is SAP S/4HANA

What is SAP S/4HANA

SAP S/4HANA is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that is designed to support the digital transformation of businesses. It is based on the SAP HANA in-memory database platform, which enables real-time processing and analysis of large amounts of data. The...

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What’s an In-Memory Database?

What’s an In-Memory Database?

In-memory databases (IMDB) are a type of database that stores data in the computer's random access memory (RAM) rather than on a disk-based hard drive storage system. This allows for faster access to the data because it can be read and written to in real-time; largely...

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What is Microsoft Power BI?

What is Microsoft Power BI?

When it comes to "entry-level" business intelligence platforms, you have two primary choices: Microsoft Power BI and Tableau. Microsoft Power BI is a business intelligence platform that allows moderate to advanced users to analyze data and build visualization models....

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Tableau: Your Big Data Analytics Dashboard

Tableau: Your Big Data Analytics Dashboard

Tableau is a data visualization platform and business intelligence tool that's used to create interactive dashboards and charts. Tableau was engineered to help both casual and advanced users to better understand & analyze data, One benefit of Tableau is its...

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What is TOR?

What is TOR?

The Onion Router (TOR) is a free and open-source network that allows users to do two things. First, is to browse the internet anonymously; second, is to access parts of the internet that aren't normally available. Developed by the U.S. Navy in the90s, the TOR Project...

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What is SQL and Why do you Need it?

What is SQL and Why do you Need it?

There comes a point where your organization will outgrow a traditional Spreadsheet as a database. Both Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets are capped at 1 million rows. But does that mean that you stop collecting data or create a new spreadsheet for part 2? No,...

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What is the OWASP Top 10 and Why Should I Care?

What is the OWASP Top 10 and Why Should I Care?

The OWASP Top 10 is a list of the most common web application security risks, as determined by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). The list is updated every three to four years and is widely used as a reference by developers, security professionals, and...

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What is a Pivot Table?

What is a Pivot Table?

Pivot tables are one of the simplest and most powerful tools for analyzing larger datasets in a spreadsheet. They allow you to quickly transform rows and columns into organized charts that can be altered in real-time. This allows an analyst to quickly see patterns and...

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Understanding Project Scope

Understanding Project Scope

Project management is more than just a term taught in B-school; it's an important role assigned to a key decision maker or manager. But how does a project manager (PM) what to exclude and include in their KPIs? That's where the term "project scope" is introduced as it...

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Sales vs Marketing: Is there a Difference?

Sales vs Marketing: Is there a Difference?

Sales and marketing are often used interchangeably, but they are both two separate components of a proper business model. Both play a role in acquiring customers and building relationships, but they each have their own horizons and objectives. Defining Sales Sales...

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Quantum Computing Explained

Quantum Computing Explained

Quantum computing is the next evolutionary ring in a cutting-edge field that will universally revolutionize the way we interpret and analyze data. Unlike traditional computers, which use 1's and 0's to represent and process information, quantum computers use quantum...

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What is Salesforce CRM Software?

What is Salesforce CRM Software?

Salesforce CRM (customer relationship manager) is a cloud-based application that helps businesses manage, foster and grow relationships with their customers. With its simple interface, comprehensive features, and integrations with other third-party business tools,...

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Big Data vs Small Data Explained

Big Data vs Small Data Explained

Big Data / Small Data are two terms that are commonly used interchangeably in the data analysis and data management field. Even thought they sound similar, these two terms are actually very different types of data. There are a handful of key differences between big...

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Database vs Data Warehouse vs Data Lake

Database vs Data Warehouse vs Data Lake

Data is a collection of raw information or facts that is designed to be processed and analyzed in order to gain useful intel. These facts come in various forms, i.e. numbers, text, images, sound, etc. and is either structured or unstructured. Data is often used to...

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What is SAP Enterprise Resource Planning Software?

What is SAP Enterprise Resource Planning Software?

SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is used by businesses globally to manage, integrate and optimize their operations. This powerful software allows companies to integrate and automate their core business processes, not just internally but with external...

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Business Intelligence (BI) Explained

Business Intelligence (BI) Explained

Business intelligence (BI) incorporates all the tools, techniques, and processes that organizations use to collect, store, and analyze data. Proper business intelligence measures allows companies to gain insights and make more strategic business decisions. BI allows...

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6 Common Types of Backlinks

6 Common Types of Backlinks

Have you ever been curious why your competitors' content is outranking yours, even though it is much lower quality? While quality is a huge factor in Google’s Algorithm, it is possible that there are many more authoritative sites linking to your competitors' content...

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SEO Checklist for New Websites

SEO Checklist for New Websites

Note: The links in this post DO NOT contain affiliate links. Just direct links to the respective landing pages. This note will be updated should that ever change. You just launched your brand new website and you’re beyond excited. The only problem now is deciding how...

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Why Content is Important for SEO

Why Content is Important for SEO

Search engine optimization is the sum of a lot of moving parts that compound to make a real difference to the ranking of your website. It’s a common mistake when businesses build or revamp their website and think that the search engine optimization included in their...

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12 Types Of Content That Work In 2021

12 Types Of Content That Work In 2021

Content marketing can help any business website generate traffic, build trust with the target audience, and increase conversions. There are different types of content that you can use for your online projects that have various benefits. In this post, you will learn...

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John Crowley: What does he do?

John Crowley: What does he do?

Those that know me, know; but those that don’t are often curious, so they ask: What do I do? I build websites that rank really really high in Google Searches. How do I do it? Search Engine Optimization, or “SEO”, has been my forte for the past year or so; but often...

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John Crowley


Digital Marketing /
Cybersecurity Consultant

Sacramento, CA

Howdy, I am an IT Consultant who specializes in SEO and Digital Marketing in the Sacramento, CA area. I am also very active in the Cybersecurity, InfoSec and Ethical Hacking Communities. Questions, comments or any projects that you would like to collaborate on? Feel free to reach out anytime.

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